Rating Sure

Rating Sure is SaaS based Insurance Application which delivers quick and accurate Premium calculations powered by OCR/ML capabilities.

Customer Onboarding

  • Self-Serve feature with Instant Quote and competitive Premium
  • Assisted by Brokers on Payments
  • Notification to Brokers to Assist Customers with Query.
  • Brokers Access to customer Details to complete critical steps

Rating Engine​

  • OCR capabilities to extract details
  • Loss Runs – Data Extracts and Summarize
  • Quote Summary and AM best Rating
  • Proposal Generation on Pre-defined template
  • E-CAB and Auto Policy Renewal

Document Validation​

  • E-CAB and Auto Policy Renewal
  • Policy Indexing
  • DMS capabilities
  • Generate Certificates
  • Generate Branch Audit task
  • Generate Invoice and defined State Tax, COMM% etc


  • Broker’s Personal Dashboard
  • GWP Analysis by LOB
  • Realise Reporting & management information

For more Queries & Details contact Us