Why Matayo?

Extensive Experience: With a seasoned team of professionals, we bring unparalleled expertise in software development, IT infrastructure, cloud technologies, security solutions, and audits.

360-Degree Edge: Our holistic approach ensures that every aspect of your digital environment is meticulously assessed and fortified, providing you with comprehensive protection and peace of mind.

Tailored Solutions: We understand that every business is unique, which is why we offer customized solutions designed to address your specific challenges and objectives.

Commitment to Excellence: From initial consultation to ongoing support, we are dedicated to delivering excellence in everything we do, ensuring that your digital defenses remain robust and resilient.

At Matayo Company, we understand the critical importance of securing your web presence. Our Web VAPT service is designed to identify vulnerabilities in your web applications and infrastructure before they can be exploited by malicious actors.
Network VAPT
Securing your network infrastructure is essential to protect your sensitive data and maintain business continuity. Our Network VAPT service is tailored to evaluate the security posture of your network environment, including routers, switches, firewalls, and other network devices.
As APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) become increasingly integral to modern software development, ensuring their security is paramount. Matayo Company offers specialized API VAPT services to assess the security of your APIs and prevent potential exploits.

IT Managed Services

Manage your IT infrastructure for your growth of your business

Information and Data Security

Managed Security service offerings can help your organization achieve operational resilience

Strategy and Digital Transformation

Leadership have exponentially larger roles to place in digital strategy and execution.

Compliance and Governance

We help you find the right levers across the compliance landscape assist you in Achieve Compliance, Managing Risk and drive growth.

Our Security Services

Enterprise Security

Elevate Your Security Posture With Tailor Made Roadmap For Your Organizations.

Application Security

Hybrid Approach To Uncover Business Logic Vulnerabilities.

Network Security

Secure Your Networks By Utilizing Our Versatile Penetration Testing Methodology.

Cloud Security

Securing And Accelerating Protect Of Cloud Services.

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